Cold email studio

🇺🇦 Cold Email As A Service 💌


We hunt leads & crush your outbound cold emails.
Accelerate customer insights and book more meetings.

Our Services

Listen. We know hunting leads & sending consistent  emails  sucks.

It's time you got back to closing deals, and raising money. We'll handle your outbound so you can spend your time where it will be most impactful.

Our Process

No Magic Involved©

That's right. There's no magic. It's just a stupid amount of hard work done for you.

Each week, we get into a cadence of sending an A/B test to a new batch of leads. Imagine, insights, and meetings just magically appear... and all you had to do was hop on a relatively painless 30 minute call.

1. Strategy

We work together to come up with the initial strategy. From there, we A/B test our way to a repeatable sales process

2. Hunt Leads

Sometimes we can grab stuff off Linkedin and it's not that big of a deal. We do spend a bit of time cleaning these lists and, of course, validating email addresses to keep bounce rates low.

3. Send & Measure

Every week we try to get into a cadence of a new batch of leads and a new A/B test. Fresh insights are delivered in our weekly report. We also check your inbox twice a day for responses.

Case Studies

Yeah, yeah, yeah, but how good are you guys?

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Vitable Health

How We Generated Over $149,000 in ARR  For VitableHealth In 3 Months

How we brought in the leads that helped Vitable Health close over $100,000 in recurring revenue.

More Monthly Meetings
Recurring Revenue Generated
Zero Storefront

100 location deal closed for Zero Storefront

How we closed a 100 location deal for Zero Storefront

Increase in Monthly Meetings
Location Deal Closed

We don't suck at this, just ask these guys!

We don't always crush it, but sometimes we do!

“It's great because it's as if you're able to clone yourself. They'll take care of this whole growth channel for you.”

Andy Lee
Founder, Basis (YC S19)

“The speed at which we are able to run experiments is awesome. We closed a 100 location deal from a lead brought in by Cold Email Studio!”

Collin Wallace
Founder, Zero Store Front (YC W19)

“Cold email has been an effective way for our portfolio companies at Zuma Ventures and XO Capital to go from $0 to $20,000 in MRR✌️”

Andrew Pierno
Co-founder XO Capital

“We closed a $21,500 customer in the first week of using Cold Email Studio, and a $50,000 deal a month later.”

Joseph Kitonga
Founder & CEO, Vitable Health (YC S20)

"Andrew and team got us demos, that we are in the process of closing! We had previously attempted cold outreach, unfortunately, it just didn't convert. We figured giving the pros a shot before eliminating this marketing channel. This proved one of the best decisions. Andrew's team are pros at understanding your value prop and copyrighting text that resonates with customers. Cold email as a service is truly an art, give these folks a try, it's a great ROI!"

Lokesh Taneja
Founder & CEO, Cloud Shim

"Cold Email Studio really helped us scale up our outbound and allowed us to iterate on messaging and target personas. Mikey, Julia and the team are so knowledgeable and responsive - we definitely could not have run experiments as effectively or quickly without them."

Romy Lynch
Co-Founder, Quorum (YC S19)

"I have to say that working with you guys has been immense in growing our start up from scratch. We make a lot of bets in our business on who we work with and by far the best bet to date has been working with you. Lana has been amazing and an absolute rockstar backed up by a very responsive Julia. Please keep up the good work."

Myuran Manickarajah
Managing Director, Firstresult
Articles & News

Learn how to send more effective email

All our tips and tricks revealed!

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B2B Sales Funnel Stages: How To Build and Optimize These 9 Steps

The 9 B2B Sales Funnel Stages and how to optimize them for your own sales process.

May 30, 2024

Get early access to the 'Cold Email For Professionals' course

After running hundreds of campaigns for leading venture backed startups... we're building the most practical and comprehensive guide on delivering successful cold outreach campaigns for founders and sales teams. Get early access below.

May 30, 2024

400+ cold email resources for building successful cold outreach campaigns

We're pulling together the ultimate database on how to be successful with cold email.

May 30, 2024
Our Team

Hi! Nice To Meet Youuuu!

Mikey Howe

Co-Founder & CEO

Andrew Pierno


Julia Mostovaya

Co-Founder & Head of Strategy
About Us

We're startup people too

Our co-founder Andrew was CTO at a prominent venture studio in LA and saw time and time again how difficult it was to find someone thoughtful to execute  cold outreach A/B tests for the studio's portfolio companies.

5 years on and one exit later, he decided to start his own venture studio, and our first product has nothing to do with software. We want to get founders back to doing valuable things, like raising money, building a company, and talking to customers.

We don't believe you can outsource your insights, but we do believe (and have proof!) they can be accelerated.

This photo isn't of us. Fun fact: Our team is  fully remote and we've never actually met in person!

Need More Information?

Frequently Asked Quesions

How do you find leads?

How do you identify which customers to go after?

How much is it?

Can you charge based on the number of leads you bring in? Or some kind of performance metric?

Do you respond to the emails or do we do that?

What email address do you use?

Couldn't I do this myself?

Who we don't work with:

Where are you based out of?

What tools do you use?

How long does it take before you can start sending emails?

Who does the work? Is it outsourced?

Do you follow up on the emails or just send them once?

Can you do the meetings for me?

What's an example email you've sent?

Ever done this with a service/consulting business?

How long are you in a testing/figuring out what works phase?

How soon do you typically see results / How long does an engagement need to be at minimum to see if it's working?