Cold Email

10 Tips to Prevent Emails From Going to Spam

Learn the essential tips to keep your emails out of spam folders! From warming up your email to avoiding clickbait, master the art of email deliverability.

Nothing is more frustrating than crafting the perfect message, only to languish in the dreaded spam folder. Fear not! 

This blog post will guide you through 10 invaluable tips to stop emails from going to the spam folder, equipping you with the tools to enhance your email deliverability.

Why do emails go to spam?

Before delving into the tips, it's crucial to understand why emails often find themselves relegated to the spam folder. Spam filters are designed to weed out unwanted or potentially harmful messages, relying on a variety of criteria to make this determination. These criteria can include the sender's reputation, the content of the email, and various technical factors. 

By comprehending these triggers, we can better navigate the email landscape and take proactive steps to ensure our messages land safely in the inbox.

10 Tips to Prevent Emails From Going to Spam:

1. Warm up your email

When starting a new email campaign, it's essential to warm up your email address. Send a series of gradually increasing email volumes to build a positive sender reputation. This gradual approach helps email providers recognize your legitimacy and reduces the likelihood of your emails being marked as spam.

Example: Instead of sending 10,000 emails on day one, start with a few hundred and gradually increase the volume over a few weeks.

2. Complete your email authentication

Email authentication is like a digital passport for your emails. Ensure that your domain has SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records configured correctly. This not only boosts your email credibility but also prevents malicious actors from impersonating your domain.

Example: If your email service provider is Gmail, follow their guidelines to set up SPF, DKIM, and DMARC for your domain.

3. Personalize your emails:

Generic, one-size-fits-all emails are more likely to be flagged as spam. Personalization adds a human touch, making your emails more engaging and less likely to be mistaken for automated, unsolicited messages.

Example: Instead of "Dear Customer," use the recipient's name and tailor your content to their preferences or past interactions.

4. Add an unsubscribe button:

Including a clear and easy-to-find unsubscribe option builds trust with your recipients. It not only complies with anti-spam regulations but also ensures that users who want to opt-out can do so without marking their emails as spam.

Example: Place the unsubscribe link at the bottom of your emails and use a font size and color that makes it easily visible.

5. Avoid clickbait in your subject lines:

Craft subject lines that accurately represent the content of your email. Misleading or sensational subject lines may grab attention, but they also trigger spam filters.

Example: Instead of "You won $1,000,000!" use a subject like "Exciting Updates and Opportunities Inside."

6. Verify your subscriber or email list:

Regularly clean and verify your email list to remove inactive or invalid email addresses. A clean list improves your sender reputation and ensures that your emails are reaching engaged recipients.

Example: Use email verification tools to check the validity of your subscribers' email addresses before sending out campaigns.

7. Don’t use spam trigger words:

Certain words and phrases trigger spam filters. Avoid using terms commonly associated with spam, such as "free," "earn money fast," or "guarantee."

Example: Instead of "Once in a lifetime opportunity! Act now!" use a more neutral tone like "Exclusive offer for our valued customers."

8. Don’t use link shorteners & attachments:

Link shorteners and attachments can raise red flags for spam filters. Use full, transparent URLs, and avoid sending large attachments that may be perceived as potential threats.

Example: Instead of "," use "" in your emails.

9. Follow proper sending practices to avoid spam filters:

Sending emails too quickly or in massive volumes can trigger spam filters. Adhere to best practices, such as gradually increasing your email volume and spacing out your campaigns.

Example: If your email platform recommends a maximum of 500 emails per hour, stick to that limit to maintain a positive sender reputation.

10. Don’t use complex HTML:

Simplify your email design and avoid overly complex HTML. Emails with too many images or intricate coding may be flagged as spam.

Example: Use a clean, mobile-friendly layout with a good balance of text and images for better readability and deliverability.


Mastering the art of keeping your emails out of the spam folder requires a combination of technical know-how and strategic communication. By warming up your email, authenticating it properly, and following these ten tips, you can significantly improve your email deliverability. 

Remember, the key lies in maintaining a balance between engagement and adherence to best practices. Now go forth and conquer the inbox!

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